About Us

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ProManage Manifest

We are in the age of speed.
The world is spinning much faster than it did just a few years ago, even yesterday...

Trends, competition conditions, costs, and profits differ very quickly. Not being able to keep up with the pace of the new economy means not falling behind but staying out of the race. Besides, it’s not enough to be fast. At the same time, you must be smart, efficient, and error-free. You should increase your production efficiency and maximize your management skills. Some call it operational excellence.

However, we do not believe in perfection. Because excellent companies do not believe in perfection but in continuous improvement. Production, technology, logistics, and people… There is always something to improve for the big minds who run big companies, even in the most perfect operation.

The “perfect” is temporary for companies changing the planet; “development” is permanent. It is not a preference; it is an automatic form of management.
So do we…


Harry Oliver,

CEO of Steeler Industrial

About ProManage

ProManage is a technology company with an interdisciplinary approach working on IIoT, AR (Augmented Reality), and AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology areas for Manufacturing Operations Management.

ProManage supports manufacturers to be more productive, agile, and cost-efficient by using cutting-edge digital tools in Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM) for more than 25 years.

ProManage helps the manufacturers’ Industry 4.0 digitalization journey to transform their plant into a smart factory and provides advanced analytics for manufacturing, predictive maintenance management, predictive quality management, and predictive decision.

ProManage Around The Globe

ProManage has had 50,000+ of operating manufacturing points at 500+ prominent customers for 25 years.

Products and services are offered on 5 continents.

Since 2017, international expansion has been headquartered in U.S. (Chicago, MxD, UILABS)

R&D Center serving globally with Smart Factory & Smart Manufacturing concepts within Industry 4.0.

120+ highly qualified & agile engineer resources profile.

Serves for discrete manufacturing Industry Automotive, Metal Processing, Home Appliances, Plastics, Food, FMCG, etc

Our Mission

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Our vision

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Our commitment

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why choose us

Ready to Bring Bigger, Better, Faster And Stronger
Projects Than Ever Before!!

25 year experience

With over 25 years of experience in the field of industrial manufacturing, we guarantee the best quality and products.

professional team

With a professional team of steelers, we are all experienced and highly skilled in manufacturing. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy.

Safety is top priority

For us, occupational safety is a top priority, with modern machinery and safety facilities. so it’s well worth the investment in safety.

large scale

With 30 factories around the world, we are the leading industrial company for you. Free is a firm believer in working.

Show The Skills

Our industry professionals are able to deliver better ideas and solutions embedded with a deep understanding of each client’ business and industry.



Development Plan


Quality Service


Looking for a reliable &
stable partner?

We seek for cooperation in various areas in order to achieve the purpose of diversifying and expanding our company’s operating fields. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer finibus varius sem, in aliquam magna sollicitudin a. Ut et dui vitae dolor scelerisque pulvinar non vel risus.

Let's Grow With

We are an integrated engineering company composed of a group of agile and experienced engineers skilled in different business areas. Ut purus est, maximus sit amet porttitor id, bibendum a ante. Suspendisse erat erat, maximus eget venenatis nec

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